Andrea Marley is a busy woman. Juggling being a mother, grad student, working full-time, and starting a retail business, she still finds time to create as an artist. Her latest creation is the spirited oracle card story is Busy Women Need Answers.








Creativity is like a raging river, sometimes it’s smooth and relaxing, sometimes tumultuous. If the conditions are right, the water becomes free-flowing, easy, with new places waiting to be discovered. Much like rivers, creatives are often met with the dilemma of a fork- left or right? Which path is best? Sometimes, all you need is a sign.


Custom Oracle Cards
Andrea in her element


As a busy woman, Andrea knows it is important to be able to check-in with yourself in order to keep your creativity flowing. This custom oracle card story was created to provide women with an easy way to check-in with themselves throughout the chaos of their busy day. The deck reflects her passions for fashion, wellness, and leadership, combined with her education in art therapy.


Anne Marley's Oracle Card Story
Busy Women Need Answers Spirited Oracle Deck


Designing An Oracle Card Story Deck


Busy Women Need Answers was designed in Andrea’s signature groovy collage art style. Scrapbooking 44 cards to clarify and empower, the deck features rich colors and textures including glitter, paper, ribbon, and crystals. When customizing her deck, Andrea decided to go with the white 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Custom Tuck Box. The cards are printed on 330gsm card stock and boast a smooth finish. Printed on the side of the box is “this deck is for everyone.” Andrea wanted to make abundantly clear that while the title is gendered, these cards are for “anyone brave enough to pull a card!”


Shuffled Ink Makes Oracle Cards
Two of the 44 cards in Busy Women Need Answers


How To Use Busy Women Need Answers


Aside from the aesthetics, this deck is also beautiful in its simplicity. Andrea designed this deck with this intention in mind. “I wanted to design something accessible that needed no certification or training to use,”  She shared. “I am excited that this deck is both fun and empowering. Women understand these cards are more like a tool, not a fortune. We get a chance to sit down and talk and take notes from the divine. There is always something for us both to learn.”


Since busy women are always on the go, Andrea says “This oracle card story deck is for you to carry with you on your travels. It’s actually better if it CAN come with you and feel your energy! If it stays with you, you don’t need to ask a question, they will know. Pull a response, and get back to business!”


Personalize Your Oracle Card Story
Artwork created by Andrea Marley for Busy Women Need Answers


Answers On-The-Go


Out of the 44 cards she designed for the oracle card story deck, Andrea has two favorites.  “’Let go of the illusion it could have been any different’ and ‘Do not back down or maker yourself smaller’. These are both cards that would have given me a profound reason to pause at certain times in my life. I knew I was on the right track when I made these cards because they both hurt and healed my heart when I was designing them.” While there are many profound cards enclosed in the deck, actually there are a few cards that simply state “yes” or “no” which can be equally empowering.


Customized Your Oracle Card Story
A simple answer for a busy woman.


On Working With Shuffled Ink


When working with Shuffled Ink to created her oracle card story  Andrea says that she was met with kindness and professionalism every step of the way. “The designers that I worked with at Shuffled Ink were so helpful, they answered all my questions right away,’ said Andrea, “I will definitely use Shuffled Ink for my next order!”


A creative mind can be a strange place. Pick up your own copy of Busy Women Need Answers here for the next time your mind is stuck in a loop. If you would like to keep up with Andrea’s creations you can follow her on Instagram or Facebook!